Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Double Meaning of Visa

vi·sa [vee-zuh] Pronunciation Key - plural -sas, verb, -saed, -sa·ing. –noun endorsement made by an authorized representative of one country upon a passport issued by another, permitting the passport holder entry into or transit through the country making the endorsement.
–verb (used with object) give a visa to; approve a visa for. put a visa on (a passport).

A visa is what can get you to another country for a certain amount of time, for work, leisure, or adventure. When traveling, you typically use a passport. This is one example of a Visa.

The next Visa that is universally known is the Visa credit card. I will further explore both in another blog posting - so check out this site, with both types of visa information.

Registered Visa

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